Faculty Activity and Publications

Professor Shahram Dana

Opinio Juris, an influential and well-established website on international law that is popular among international lawyers and law professors, recently described his scholarship on international sentencing as “exceptional” and “by far the best that [the reviewer] has read on the topic.

He worked with the organizers of a December 9, 2010 Human Rights Day event in Evanston, connecting them with the John Marshall Amnesty International Student Chapter, who
participated in the event.

Professor John Scheid

On a recent trip to Trinity College in Ireland, he lectured on an “Overview of American Tort Law” to 1Ls, on American Tort law to the entire freshman class, and to LL.M students on American “strict products liability law” since 1963 – the first case adopting strict liability in tort. He also participated in an all-day conference on Medical Malpractice, both Irish and American, where he delivered his paper on “Informed Consent in America.

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