William McGrath Discusses Court’s Different Procedural Approach in ‘South Park’ Ruling

June 22 – Chicago Daily Law Bulletin

Oh, the indignities to which our judiciary is sometimes subjected! Judge Richard Cudahy—West Point grad, Army Air Corps, Yale Law—has sat on the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals for 33 years. My suspicion is that he is not a frequent viewer of the animated television show “South Park.” My firm conviction is that before the recent case of Brownmark Films v. Comedy Partners, he never saw the music video “What What (In the Butt)” (WWITB). Yet, in the interest of justice, he and two other members of the court had to endure viewing and hearing these works of art in deciding the case. Cudahy authored the court’s opinion.

Read more: Court Follows Different Procedural Approach in ‘South Park’ Ruling

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