You may be aware that The John Marshall Law School in Chicago has been publicly discussing a transaction with the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), a Research 1 institution. Recently, the boards of trustees for The John Marshall Law School and the University of Illinois system approved UIC’s acquisition of John Marshall, advancing the creation of Chicago’s first and only public law school. While this is exciting news, I know you may have some questions. I’ve tried to anticipate some of those in the FAQs below, and we’ll provide further details as quickly as we can. But I can reassure you that our application process and scholarship offers will not be affected, and the entire John Marshall community is working hard to make this a seamless transition.
Law School: When will the John Marshall actually become UIC John Marshall Law School?
Dean Darby Dickerson: We’re hoping to be officially a part of UIC by July or early August 2019. The next step is to obtain approval from various accreditors, and we’re in the process of working with them now.
Law School: Where do I say I attend law school?
Dickerson: For now, you can say “The John Marshall Law School,” but after we’re officially part of UIC, you’ll say “UIC John Marshall Law School.”
Law School: What happens to students when John Marshall becomes UIC John Marshall Law School?
Dickerson: When John Marshall becomes a part of UIC, all current students in good academic standing automatically become part of UIC. The transition will be seamless for you—none of your earned credits, grades, etc. will change.
Law School: Will tuition change?
Dickerson: Yes, this is one of the big benefits of being a public law school! When we are officially a college at UIC, tuition will drop for Illinois residents, and we think out-of-state residents will see a slight decrease, as well. That being said, tuition is set for all University of Illinois schools by the UI Board of Trustees, so we won’t know the specifics for a while.
Law School: Will my scholarship be honored after the closing?
Dickerson: Absolutely!
Law School: Will I be able to take classes at other colleges at UIC?
Dickerson: Yes, hopefully in or after Fall 2019. As one of only 115 Research 1 universities in the U.S., UIC has many courses and degrees that will enhance your law degree. We’re also working on creating a variety of dual-degree programs that take full advantage of UIC’s strengths.
Law School: Will I be eligible to use UIC athletic and other facilities?
Dickerson: Yes, John Marshall students will gain access to all of UIC’s facilities, like all other UIC students.
Law School: Will the law school be moving to the main campus?
Dickerson: No, we’ll be staying right here in the Loop.
Law School: Will I have to go to UIC’s main campus for various student services?
Dickerson: All of the support we currently offer at John Marshall will stay at John Marshall: IT, financial aid, registrar, business office, student life, admissions, career services, etc. We are still discussing how the bookstore and wellness counseling services will work, but we want to make everything as convenient as possible for students.
Law School: Will the faculty be changing?
Dickerson: Only slightly. Four current faculty will be retiring in December, but we’re in the process of hiring five new faculty to start in Fall 2019, and we also plan to hire additional faculty between 2020 and 2022.
Law School: Will UIC John Marshall Law School have a relationship with the University of Illinois College of Law?
Dickerson: The law schools will be separate. Each is part of a different university, although the universities are part of the same higher-education system. At this point, no collaborations have been discussed.
Law School: Can I get a UIC John Marshall Law School or UIC Law t-shirt yet?
Dickerson: Sorry, not yet!
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